A Year in Remembrance

3rd October – Exactly one year ago, I arrived in Birmingham International Airport. I remembered it like it was yesterday, the rain, the clouds, the luggage, the wrong taxi drop-off, the help from friends (you can get the full story on my post Birmingham Air, I’ll put a link down below (I’m learning to be a better blogger haha) oh wait, you can click it on the word!!

Biar semesta bawa aku dan kau ke destinasi yang sepatutnya

A year huh? It’s been one year that I have not gone back home (this is the longest so far). Usually it would be months. So, a lot has happened over the year – I’ve met tons of new people but it could’ve been more it it were not because of the pandemic. Even though I’ve spent most of my time in my room the whole year, it was a pretty good year. A recap, I had my first autumn, first snow with my flatmates, memorable moments with people, travelled a lott, drive in a foreign country lol thank god UK uses right-hand side of the road as well and I think I’ve been all around UK – from Scotland down to Wales, hoping this upcoming year to travel Europe and Scandinavian countries:)

A year can do a lot to a person. A year ago everything was different, as if I had lived a different life altogether. Different daily routine, different goals, lifestyle. I couldn’t picture myself being here like this right now but I am grateful. For it has been a bizarre, tough, lonely and disheartening year. But, in those seemingly bearish year, accompanied by the ever-wonderfully gloomy weather, god gave me a lot. From smallest things in life, to achievements. Life deserves to be celebrated and celebrate did I.

I honestly don’t know what more to write because to put a year in words of few paragraphs is not easy hahaha. I hope this upcoming academic year, may Allah ease everything, may it bring more happiness than sorrow, more victories than losses, more heart-warming than gut-wrenching moments. It will definitely be a busy year and I hope that I will focus on myself and my goals whilst still having fun from time to time. Life needs joy regardless!

Anyways, its the starting of my favourite season – autumn!! But the trees are yet to yellow and its raining mostly. So yea, I hope everyone will do well in their studies, work or anything that you are going through right now.

Maka genap setahun aku di tanah asing, merasa empat musim dari luruh, salji, bunga dan panas dan kini kembali ke luruh. Biar semesta bawa aku dan kau ke destinasi yang sepatutnya dan masa-masa yang berlalu, moga menjadi memorabilia buat hati untuk kenang dari detik ke detik detik, hari ke hari, bulan ke bulan dan dari satu tahun ke seterusnya. Dari sang perantau yang masih banyak perlu belajar.

All my autumn heart,


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